Our approach
Our sector specialist team follow the same 5-point Investment Approach that has remained unchanged since the company’s formation in 2014.
Targeting secular growth driven investment opportunity in global financial services.
Our sector-focused strategy allows us to bring focused expertise and network support to our portfolio.
The assistance we provide often takes the form of helping build out our portfolio executive teams, help source and structure debt capacity, expand across geographies or product lines, and raise new capital.
We focus on companies that have established product-market fit and unit economics that work, and are ready to expand.
Our investment approach
Mandate discipline
Diversified portfolio of high growth and capital light financial services and related business services companies across Global Financial Services
Active value add
Leverage Apis sector specialisation and network to take an active “hands-on” role in portfolio management
Growth and risk management
Scalable, growth stage companies requiring scale-up capital at or near profitability (if the latter profitable on a unit economics basis)
Strong influence and control
Active minority or control stakes to influence strategy, growth plans and capital allocation decisions
Price discipline and terms
Strong price discipline and compelling entry valuations to achieve target returns
Credit & savings
Capital markets
Technology enablers & service providers
Secular growth trends impact global markets in financial services
These trends create numerous investment opportunities across key Financial Services industry sub-sectors including payments, credit and savings, insurance, technology enablers and service providers, and capital markets.
The advent of XaaS (Everything as a Service) and in particular BaaS (Banking as a Service), enabling the Embedded Finance revolution
The democratisation of finance, bringing a greater range of financial products to a wider group of consumers
Favourable regulation, leading to the acceleration of the above trends
Our portfolio companies
We put our sector-focused expertise at the service of our portfolio companies, partnering with them to identify growth avenues or tailor solutions for their step-changing investments.